Invest in the parallel economy by decentralizing your life and finances. Become an independent individual in full control of your digital life. Exercise your right to digital privacy and digital sovereignty. Begin by decentralizing and protecting your business and personal information online. Some day your life may depend on it.
Bitcoin is a popular financial tool but definitely not the future of finance or the future of a peer to peer world. It has many limitations and problems that will never be solved using the native chain such as privacy, scalability and it will never be a fungible form of payment.
Know whats going on. Be sure to read the book Hijacking Bitcoin: The Hidden History of BTC by Roger Ver.
There is a gigantic shift in financial power and decentralized projects happening in 2025. The amount of investment opportunities, ability to transact business, search the web, store information and send information all privately peer to peer online is growing exponentially. Interacting online and privately with your peers will change dramatically in the next 5 years. Your use of decentralized AI and decentralized finance will become a necessity to survive and grow as an individual or business. The use of centralized systems and hiring professionals such as web designers, logo creators and musicians will rapidly become obsolete.
To live in a more private peer to peer world most people will have to start by reducing their online presence essentially shadow banning themselves or erasing all their history. It is a difficult task for those who have been online for decades and built businesses on centralized platforms such as youtube. It takes a lot of un-schooling to understand why and how to transition to peer to peer technologies and be in full control of your digital life and profile.
Purchase hold or trade GalaxyCoin decentralized precious metal digital assets. Gold, Silver and Platinum options.
Dero decentralized marketplace dApps (decentralized applications) using smart contracts. Using your smart phone you can start to participate in the parallel economy and build a business using a truly decentralized market and private blockchain.
“Some of the most advanced and beneficial technologies for human civilization will be financed by privacy focused crypto currencies and decentralized technology in the 21st century. This includes advancements in free energy, preservation of free will and human rights, anti-gravity, natural medicine and a new independent world wide web of open source software, decentralized AI, businesses, individuals and communities.” – peerthings.com
“There will come a time when the things that happen in main stream media, main stream society, big corporations, big tech and world events will become irrelevant and a waste of time for those who are working and producing value in the parallel and localized economies.” – peerthings.com
“Countries who do not embrace private decentralized technologies and respect those who build new sustainable economies using these technologies will not only quickly lose their global power but will see a mass exodus of wealthy crypto investors, intelligent free market community leaders and plunge into a failing corrupt society of inflationary fiat currencies and debt” – peerthings.com